We've made several updates across our strategy content to ensure you have the latest information at your fingertips!
π Education Flyers Updates:
Carer Allowance: Increased from $153.50 to $159.30 per fortnight.
Taxation: Added paragraph regarding Div293.
Personal Insurance: References to "stepped" and "level" premiums updated to "variable" and "variable age-stepped" premiums.
π Strategy Text Updates:
Enter Aged Care Facility and Restructure your Finances: MPIR interest rate adjusted from 8.38% to 8.42%.
Apply for Austudy: Minor wording changes and an additional note on Youth Allowance.
Apply for the Centrelink Age Pension, Apply for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC), Nominate <Spouse name> as a Reversionary Beneficiary, Commence a Transition to Retirement Income Stream with salary sacrifice, Commence a Transition to Retirement Income Stream <no salary sacrifice>, Make Super Contributions using the First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSSS) and Advance Care Directive: minor wording changes.
References to "stepped" and "level" premiums updated to "variable" and "variable age-stepped" premiums for the relevant insurance strategies.
π New Strategy Added:
Transfer investments in-specie to your investment portfolio.
π Investment Product Text:
We have completed our annual review of the investment product text, ensuring all information is up to date and relevant.