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Configure the Organisation
Updated over a month ago

The Organisation is the highest structure in Advice Designer's entity infrastructure.

How to access the Organisation

  1. Click on your Avatar.

  2. Select My Profile.

  3. Then click on the Organisation Tab.

๐Ÿ’กNote: Only Admin users will be able to view and edit the Organisation.


Set the name of the Organisation.


Invite users into the Organisation:

  1. Click on the Invite User button

  2. Capture the users' email address and select Role.

  3. Click Send Invite

Remove Access from the Organisation:

  1. Click the Vertical Ellipse โ€œโ‹ฎโ€

  2. Select Remove Access

๐Ÿ’กNote: Removing a user from the Organisation does not impact their roles within a Licensee or Workspace.


A Licensee structure is sublevel to an Organisation, with the potential of having many connected Workspaces below.

The following article navigates how to Create a Licensee.

The following article navigates how to Configure a Licensee


The Strategy Library can be managed by the Organisation in 3 ways.

  1. Opting to allow/disallow all Licensees and Workspaces from using the Advice Designer Global library:

  2. Adding custom text which can be used by all Licensees and Workspaces attached: Create Strategy Text

  3. Archiving individual strategy text which is not relevant to all Licensees and Workspaces attached: Archiving Strategy Text

๐Ÿ’กNote: Clicking the Global Content toggle will archive all strategies natively provided by Advice Designer


Similar to the Strategy contact the Product Library can be managed by the Organisation in the same 3 ways:

  1. Opting to allow/disallow all Licensees and Workspaces from using the Advice Designer Global library:

  2. Adding custom text which can be used by all Licensees and Workspaces attached: Create Product Text

  3. Archiving individual strategy text which is not relevant to all Licensees and Workspaces attached: Archiving Product Text


The document section allows you to set the following two document disclosures - which will populate in all documents generated by the connected Workspaces:

Important Note - Table of Contents Page

Default text provided:

Please read this Statement of Advice carefully. If any of the details we have recorded for you are incomplete or inaccurate, please let us know because the advice may not be appropriate for your circumstances. Please also let us know if you do not fully understand the advice we have provided. Our advice remains current for a period of 30 days from the date of this document. If you decide to implement our recommendations after this time (or if your circumstances change during this time), please contact us so we can confirm that the advice continues to be suitable for you. This document should be read in conjunction with its associated appendices and any other provided materials.

Further Information - Risk Profile

Default text provided:

Because the various asset classes in your portfolio will grow at different rates and your attitude to risk may change over time, we recommend that we review your portfolio at least annually to ensure the actual asset allocation remains appropriate for your risk profile, goals, and objectives going forward. This may require a re-assessment of your risk profile as your personal circumstances change and a re-balance of the portfolio.

Quick Text

Quick text is templated wording created for fields used throughout the Plan Authoring pages.

Quick Text set at an Organisation level is usable by all users in connected Licensees and Workspaces.

How to add Quick Text

  1. Navigate to the Organisation

  2. Click on the Quick Text tab

  3. Click Add Quick Text button

  4. Capture a Name, the Section, Sub-section and Quick Text wording

  5. Click Create

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